Robert Adams - Success Story | ADHI Schools

Success Stories

Robert Adams

Real Estate Agent | Irvine, CA

The success story shared below is a very special one. The gentleman featured on the video is Robert Adams, a 32 year veteran in the residential real estate industry with over 900 homes personally sold. Consider that most real estate agents sell between two and six homes per year depending on the market. Robert knows how to scale his business quickly and provides valuable insight for the newer agent looking for a blueprint to starting in our business.

From the perspective of the consumer, he talks about home ownership as the key to financial freedom. For potential Realtors who might be watching, he shares his own journey and how he grew from a young salesperson to a Broker/Owner. He now owns three real estate offices and is responsible for several hundred agents that report directly to him.

For the recent graduate of our program, he explains how to choose an office to work with and some things you can do before your license is issued to be successful.

If you are interested in hearing from an industry leader, I would highly recommend the above video.