Roy Blume and Irene Truong - Success Story | ADHI Schools

Success Stories

Roy Blume and Irene Truong

Real Estate Agent | Sierra Madre, CA

  • ADHI Schools Alum

    2010 and 2009

  • Real Estate Exam Attempts

    1 and 1

  • Previous Career

    Business Person/Stay at Home Mom

This success story is an example of how sometimes 1+1 can actually equal 3. When two like minded people get together in business great things can happen.

This success story involves two of our former ADHI students and the special partnership they forged over the last 10 years. Roy took our classes in Arcadia (and a few other locations) and Irene took our class eight miles away in Alhambra.

They both have very different stories and reasons for enrolling in our real estate school. Roy was a former executive at a major national retailer and Irene was a mom with two small children. Roy was looking for a way to get into the business and buy properties on the cheap while Irene was looking for a career with great earning potential while offering flexibility with regard to her schedule.

This is one of the magical things about the real estate industry. It brings people from different backgrounds together with a common goal of making more money while having greater control of their time.

Over the last 10 years they have forged a great business partnership. In fact, they held the record for the most expensive home sold in a major southern California city. Watch the video to find out how they were able to hone in on the most sellable aspects of the property and craft a marketing strategy that got the job done!